One can find inspiration anywhere and everywhere—I find quite a lot of it at the grocery store.
Here's a look at some recent package designs that have caught my little eye~*
These were a series of local, handcrafted pop I came across in Denver, Colorado made by Rocky Mountain Soda Co. I'm a sucker for animals (the put a bird on it joke was made for me) so if you put an animal on your package design I'm 75% more likely to purchase the product. LOL

I loved the hand-drawn typography aesthetic of these extracts that also coordinated colours and design details that related to each particular extract.

Old Spice ALWAYS has incredible package design, and I was particularly fond of these woodblock stylised motifs.

I don't drink but I often find some really cool label designs in the spirits aisle.

I'm such a big fan of the maximalist, early 2000's geocities website nature that radiates from this bag of Gentle Giants kibble. It is over the top; it is absurd; it's the total opposite of you'd expect compared to design trends of today.

This package design screams "FUN" to me, and I really love the deep olive green of the bottle itself. Seeing this design I thought to myself, "I hope more package and label designs start to have fun like this again.

These little animal characters reminded me of the sketchbook exercise that involves creating a blob or random shape of colour, and then drawing whatever you see in that shape—kind of like cloud-watching but for art.

I liked the limited colour palette found in this package design along with the stylised bird and the foliage designs on it's wings! I'm always on the lookout for different stylised ways I can draw foliage and flora.