Cancer // April Printmaking Pals
By Shirley | |
April's print featured the aquatic sign of Cancer! Cancer is
Gemini // March Printmaking Pals
By Shirley | |
The next zodiac in the cycle is Gemini! One thing
May Pottery
By Shirley | |
Once again, I've taken forever to write a blog post.
Dragon Totem – Every Day Original
By Shirley | |
Yet another piece that I should have posted earlier—oops. Here's
March Pottery – Year of the Dragon pt. 2
By Shirley | |
omg it’s been a minute since I’ve written for the
Taurus // February Printmaking Pals
By Shirley | |
Following the Western zodiac, after Aries we come to Taurus
Aries // January Printmaking Pals
By Shirley | |
The first year I did the Printmaking Pals' tier, I
February Pottery – Year of the Dragon pt. 1
By Shirley | |
Happy Lunar New Year! Technically, it's tomorrow but I'm taking
January Pottery
By Shirley | |
January's pottery update ended up being a humble one after
The Serpent // December Printmaking Pals
By Shirley | |
For December's Printmaking Pals' print, and the final trickster spirit