Dragon Totem – Every Day Original

Yet another piece that I should have posted earlier—oops.

Here's a look at my latest piece I created for Every Day Original!

Large sgraffito dragon totem with California Poppy motifs carved into it's side, and gold glaze details on it's spine and antlers. Done with black and orange underglazes. 3/4 left side view.
Large sgraffito dragon totem with California Poppy motifs carved into it's side, and gold glaze details on it's spine and antlers. Done with black and orange underglazes. Left side view.

I'm so happy and thankful nothing cracked or exploded this time. 💖

Large sgraffito dragon totem with California Poppy motifs carved into it's side, and gold glaze details on it's spine and antlers. Done with black and orange underglazes. 3/4 right side view.
Large sgraffito dragon totem with California Poppy motifs carved into it's side, and gold glaze details on it's spine and antlers. Done with black and orange underglazes. Right side view.

I wanted to play around with gold glaze for this piece, and I'm so happy with the results!

Close up of the golden details on the spine and antlers.

They ended up getting scooped up rather quickly which made me so happy! I was rather nervous about it given that I was volunteering at the 2024 AWDF trial, so I was only able to schedule the posts sharing about my piece on a few platforms vs on all of them.

I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to cook up for my next EDO piece, but I definitely want to zest it up with some gold again! ✨