I Hope I’m Wrong

I’m still trying to figure out my feelings and how I want to move forward since the November election.

It feels like in today’s world, things like having good morals, character, and living a life with integrity means absolutely nothing. What’s the point when absolutely terrible, vile people continuously get away with their heinous deeds scot-free (and are celebrated or elected to high positions of power).

It all just feels like a scam.

It feels like my house is on fire and I’m trying to put it out with a squirt gun but more and more people keep adding fuel to the flames. And maybe I just need to stop and let the house finally burn down.
I want to fix things and make things better. I've been doing my part for years but so many other people made a different choice in 2024 and I feel like I’ve done all I can. I don’t want to give up the fight for better but I just don’t know what to do anymore with things as they are.

I see history is about to repeat itself but at a potentially more drastic scale. It feels like we're on an inevitable trajectory that can't be stopped now, and we just need to let what's to come unfold.

I sincerely hope that I’m wrong.
I love being right, but I don’t want to be right about what I fear is coming—both nationally and on a global scale as well.

Prepare for the worst but hope for the best,” as they say.
And I hope that I’m wrong and I come out in the end looking like an over-dramatic fool.
And if I'm not, I hope that when The Tower falls and the dust settles from all that's been destroyed we can then create something new and better for everyone.