Korea – Part 3

On the next chapter of our journey, we went to the National Museum of Korea!

We got there a little late, so I didn't get to spend as much time casually reading everything.
I wanted to try and get as many reference photos as I could so I ended up speed-running like a mad woman through as much as the museum as I could get to!

This was probably the part of the trip where I took the most photos.

Photo of petroglyph drawings that feature whales and different animals

Photo of bear sculptures that serve as the "feet" of a serving table

Photo of duck shaped vases

Photo of a large display of different pots of varying shapes and sizes

Another equestrian sculpture

Photo of a very large display of different kinds of pottery
My ancestors were a bunch of pot heads!!!

A sculpture of an equestrian

This was the piece that touched my heart the most. This little sheep, animal guy reminded me of my work. When I saw it, I almost started to cry thinking to myself, "They were making little dudes just like me."

Photo of a clay sculpture that looks like a little sheep.

A bird painted vase with a little grimlin looking creature on the bottom

A dragon painted vase

A carved dragon sculpture

An iron horse saddle

A photo of a collection of different objects ranging from jars to sculptures

Photo of funerary objects excavated from the Tomb of Yun Sasin. They are very small sculptures of people and what appears to be a horse or cow.
More little dudes 🥲💖

Small little dudes that are a chicken and possibly a frog character
And more!

In my college ceramics class, I actually replicated a vase/jar with this fish motif!!

Photo of a variety of vases that feature a fish motif

a lidded object with a duck sculpture on top of the lid

Photo of a brown vase with a fish that appears to have been sgraffito

Korea is known for their iconic Moon Jar and they had a few in the museum!
Seeing this one made me feel a little bit better about my own vessels given it's wonky-ness—

A moon jar but this one is off center

Of course, they had an absolutely perfect one on display as well—

Another moon jar but this one is more symmetrical and placed in an empty white room with a projection of a winter landscape behind it

The next day, we hopped onto a Seoul Tour Bus and went around seeing some popular sights of Seoul! We only had enough time to visit one area given the weather, so we chose to visit Seoul Tower—

Photo of the Seoul Tower

I didn't know anything about Seoul Tower or the symbolic significance of the Love Locks of Seoul Tower. It really touched my heart seeing all of these declarations of love, friendship, and everlasting connection that we all hope to have and hold.

Photo of the Lock Loves of Seoul Tower

Up in the tower, you could see all around Korea 360 degrees.
On the glass all around the tower, it showed you what direction you were looking towards and the different countries/cities in those directions.
Of course I had to snap a selfie when I saw Seattle and Denver!

Photo of me posing inside the Seoul tower with the Denver and Seattle location markers on the window above me