Humble Halloween Update
Group photo of the Halloween ceramic specials

I wasn't kidding when I said this would be a "humble" shop update LOL
This was kind of a last minute idea, but I would love to make way more Halloween themed pieces for next year!

Here's a closer look at some of the bigger totems. The werewolf is definitely my favourite!

Front view of the werewolf totem. Sgraffito black underglaze with pastel turquoise details for the eyes and claws.
Front view of the werewolf totem. Sgraffito black underglaze with pastel turquoise details for the California Poppy motif on it's back.

Jackalope totem done with black underglaze and orange underglaze.
Jackalope totem done with black underglaze and orange underglaze. On it's side and back are California Poppy motifs.

This Moon Priestess totem was actually intended for Every Day Original. It was also an experiment to play around with mother of pearl! I want to like it, but I wish it was more "intense". I'm not sure if I didn't apply enough or if that's just the nature of mother of pearl.

Black and orange underglazed sgraffito wolf totem. She has a paw protecting a shiny orb and has crescent moon motifs carved into her chest and forehead.
Black and orange underglazed sgraffito wolf totem. She has a paw protecting a shiny orb.

Black and orange underglazed sgraffito wolf totem. She has a paw protecting a shiny orb.
Black and orange underglazed sgraffito wolf totem. She has a paw protecting a shiny orb. On her back is a large California poppy motif.

Happy Halloween, y'all!

Michael Scott screaming, "Happy Halloween, jerk!"