My Breyerfest models have finally arrived!
Fortunately, my box did not arrive crushed to hell and all my models were safe and sound.

I was honestly not very fond of the Special Runs this year.
The quagga (I Will Survive) called to me but it was an in-person only model.
And I really wanted to like the Adonis (This is My Fight Song) because I love that mold. He also reminded me of Andrea as he was one of her picks, but I just didn’t like his paint job even after seeing in-hand pictures of him. He was also an in-person only model.

I did really like Blue Zeus and Gascon the Great—two of the Limited Edition releases that were available to both in-person and online ticket holders.

I also ended up getting Zastrid (Better Than Revenge) after debating for months on grabbing her.
A friend of mine ended up with double selections for one with her tickets so I took that as a sign to get her.

Here’s a look at the different variations for the Surprise models! I was so happy to see the surprise horse was done on Winx. I really liked all of the colours, and though I had my favourites, I was happy with receiving any of them. I'm a Matte Andy so I was hoping mine would end up in the matte finish.

I ended up receiving the matte Wild Bay with Gulastra Plume. She and the green clearware colour variants were actually my bottom two choices. But seeing her in-person, I ended up liking her.
Her coat is so rich, and there's something rather witchy about this blood-red bay coat paired with a white tail.
She reminded me of Epona, the horse from The Ocarina of Time, and that made me like her even more.

Next year’s theme revolves around Breyer’s 75th anniversary and they’re supposedly cooking up some fun surprises! My one hope is that they do something really chaotic like resurrect Alborozo on the traditional scale mold and use him as one of the Special Run models. There is a 0.00001% of that happening but a girl can dream. 🙂