Virgo // June Printmaking Pals

June's print featured MY sun sign—Virgo!
I heavily debated on what animal for Virgo to be. I thought about going with a doe but it didn't feel right. And I’ve always hated that Virgo was considered “Virgo the Virgin”. It made being Virgo out to feel like you were naive and meek—two things that I am not.

But doing some more digging, I found that the inspiration and symbolism behind Virgo the Virgin (or maiden) is nothing like someone who is naive and meek. In different cultures, she’s associated with wheat and harvesting—in Egyptian mythology, wheat harvest season began when the Sun was in the sign of Virgo. And in Greek mythology, the constellation relates to Demeter, the Greek goddess of harvest, or her daughter Persephone, queen of the Underworld.

Photo of two relief prints featuring a Sandhill Crane with Virgo astrological symbols and associations within the design. One is done with black ink and the other is done in green to symbolise Virgo's connection to the element of earth.

You can read more about the process behind this print over on my Patreon!